I’ve been working from home for over a decade, way before it was cool, and I might say I was the envy of my friends who still showed up each day to the office. I haven’t looked back. It’s been liberating and wonderful!
Most days I’m up at 7am and depending on my mood I might take a walk, stretch, or do 30 minutes of yoga. Starting my day peacefully sets me up for success.
Occasionally, when I have pressing timelines (I truly dislike the word deadline), I’ll start my day at 5.30am, and this is when I light a candle, brew myself a tea, get to work on the most important and urgent task on hand and witness the magical moment of daybreak and the chirping sound of the early birds.
Regardless of what time I start the day, I always choose to get up, dress up and show up, bringing the best version of myself forth and ready for what the day holds. Being well presented puts me in the right frame of mind, and it ignites my sense of purpose.
Around 8.15am I drive to my favourite cafe and listen to an inspiring podcast on the way. I park my car a block away ensuring that I’m adding some incidental exercise. Over an almond milk cafe latte, I plan my day, make my list, and work on my creative projects.
I chat with the regulars, shop for dinner ingredients, collect my mail, and return home feeling a sense of accomplishment, energized, connected to the community, and inspired. This is a discipline that works well for me.
At home I enjoy a highly nutritious brunch, drink water throughout the day to keep hydrated, and a cup or two of tea. Meetings are usually planned at a restaurant or cafe, and only occasionally at my home. You know that they say, a change of scenery is almost as good as a holiday!
At the end of my work day, I turn down my laptop, pack up my desk, and take a late afternoon walk where more often than not I catch up with my neighbours along the way. Later I prepare dinner and enjoy time with my family, and sometimes you can find me working on my latest passion project for a little while in the evenings. I am, after all, a creative!